
Writing Exercise: Character Voices II

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9. Your character is about to leave the house in the morning when they realize that they are snowed in.
Kieran: ...Fuck it. (stays inside all day and cleans the house, reads, plays some music, etc.)
Telsha: Noooo, I'm going to be late! (waits restlessly for the city workers to clear the snow away)*
Anna: Oh well, it's too cold outside anyway. (goes out once the snow gets cleared)
Imré: Not again! (climbs out a window to go clear the snow from his door, and clears his neighbors' doors while he's at it)
[Afterwards, Kieran is about 45% nicer to Imré until the latter does something to piss him off.]

10. Another character spills warm coffee all over your character's shirt, then immediately begins apologizing.
Kieran: (smiles, but is using every ounce of self control to not punch them) So, do you plan to buy me a new one?
Telsha: Oh no no no, it's okay! Accidents happen! It's not a particularly nice shirt anyway.
Anna: Oh, it's fine, I'm sure I'll be able to get the stain out. (waves it off but is actually a bit upset)
Imré:'s not a big deal. (uncomfortable)

11a. Your character has been babysitting two young, hyper siblings for a friend. After many long delays, the children are finally ready for bed and ask to be tucked in.
Kieran: You're already in bed. What else could you possibly need?!*
Telsha: Of course! (tucks them in, ignoring the fact they keep pulling on his hair)
Anna: Aww, how could I say no to that?
Imré: Sure! do you do that?

11b. They also want a goodnight kiss.
Kieran: Forget it. (turns the light off and leaves)
Telsha: How could I forget? (kisses them both on the forehead)
Anna: Cuuuuuute! (goodnight kisses)
Imré: Um...okay. (awkwardly gives goodnight kisses)

12a. Another character recently hosted a party and has leftover cookies (your character's favorite kind). This character notices your character and offers the cookies to them.
Kieran: You know I like these? (accepts them gratefully)
Telsha: Hey, these are my favorite! Thank you.
Anna: (gasps) You're so awesome, thank you!
Imré: ...You are my favorite person right now.

12b. A third character notices this and seems disappointed because they haven't gotten any.
[I apologize for lack of actual dialogue for this one.]
Kieran: (ignores and eats the delicious delicious cookies)
Telsha: Did you want one too? (offers one)
Anna: Hey, do you want some too? It's kind of a lot anyway.
Imré: (doesn't actually notice and munches on his cookies)

13. Your character is alone in a room of someone else's house, and they accidentally knock over a vase of flowers. The vase falls to the floor and shatters. The host/hostess hears the sound and enters the room, immediately noticing the broken glass.
Kieran: Ah...I' you a new one. (never actually says he's sorry, but buys them a nicer vase than before, along with new flowers)
Telsha: I'm so so so so sorry! I swear, I do this too often. I'll clean this up and I can get you a new one if you want me to.
Anna: (covers mouth in shock) I'msosorryIdidn'tmeanto!
Imré: I'm sorry, it was an accident! I tripped and...I'll clean it up.

14. Your character is driving (or sitting in the passenger seat) sitting at the kitchen table when a bird suddenly hits the windshield window with a loud smack.
Kieran: ...What the hell?
Telsha: (looks horrified) Did...did a bird just fly into the window?!
Anna: (yelps) A bird just flew into the window!!
Imré: (gapes in confusion) What the hell just happened?!?

15. Your character is attending a formal dinner party (of their own free will or not), and a well-dressed and unfamiliar man decides to talk to them about finance.
Kieran: Actually, you're wrong. In my experience, ...(goes on to tell the guy why he's wrong)
Telsha: Ahh...I don't think I'm really qualified to talk about this.
Anna: (looks at Imré in confusion)
Imré: (looks at Anna and shrugs, also confused) Yeah, I agree with Kieran. Because.

16. A young child drew a picture for your character and wants to show them.
Kieran: I look really angry...
Telsha: This is wonderful! You're going to grow up a real artist!
Anna: Awww, thank you! Can I keep it? I want to put it on my wall.
Imré: Heeey, I look pretty good!
Part Two! Again, featuring Kieran, Telsha, Anna, and Imré.

*9. Telsha doesn't actually live in a snowy place.
*11. Kieran would never agree to babysit in the first place.

Here, we see Kieran's buried personality start to peek through a little. Who am I kidding? Is anyone even going to read it? Well it's a personal exercise anyway I guess.

Blank: Exercise: Your Character's Distinct Voice 
Part One: Writing Exercise: Character Voices  
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